How to use the kalimba to teach music to children and beginners?
The kalimba is an easy-to-learn, easy-to-use musical marvel that provides endless pleasure and opens the door to many styles and genres. This ancestral instrument is an excellent way for children and beginners to learn and perfect their musical skills. Using the kalimba to learn and teach music is simple and fun
What is a kalimba?
The kalimba is a stringless keyboard musical instrument that has been played for centuries in Africa and Latin America. It is generally made of bone, metal, wood or bamboo. The blades are suspended from two aprons that form a rectangle when assembled. The blades are designed so that when the kalimba is held and turned, their ends are caressed and produce sounds.
What advantages does the kalimba have for teaching music?
The kalimba has many advantages for teaching music to children. It's easy to learn and play. Children can quickly familiarize themselves with the operation and handling of the instrument and start playing basic music in a matter of minutes. If a child can count to 4 and read footnotes, then he or she is ready to learn the kalimba. The sound of the kalimba is very pleasant, and children will be motivated to keep playing.
How you can help children master the kalimba
Start by having your child play simple melodies with simple rhythms or enchanting notes one at a time up and down the kalimba keyboard. In this way, your child will learn to recognize the notes that create different melodies. For older children, you can start teaching them to play with sheet music. Older children will also be motivated to learn faster, because they'll know what melodies they can create.
Where to find kalimba teaching aids
There are many working devices for teaching the kalimba, and the best way to teach your child is to find a working device that is designed for your child's age and the difficulty level of the compositions. There are working devices for beginners and more advanced working devices that can be purchased online or in specialized stores. You can also find free tutorials on the Internet.
Ultimately, the kalimba is a fun, easy-to-learn musical instrument that can be used to teach music to children and beginners alike. The pleasant melody and simple movements involved in playing the music are sure to motivate anyone to learn to play the kalimba. There are many working devices designed to help children and beginners learn the kalimba and get to grips with the music. So why not learn a little more and encourage your children to play music?
Author About Author / This article was written by Karina Martinez. Karina is a former teacher who loves writing about education, music and technology. She has a degree in music education and is passionate about teaching new instruments to children and beginners.