playing the kalimba
Lately, I've been playing the Kalimba, a wonderful new instrument that you may have heard of! You may be wondering if this is a new instrument created just recently to create buzz on social networks? Well, it's far from it!
I've published a new article specifically to introduce this musical instrument known as the Kalimba, likembe, thumb piano or sometimes in its Mbira variant.


1. What is Kalimba?

Kalimba, also often called the Thumb Piano, is a musical instrument from Africa, categorized in percussion is quite widespread in sub-Saharan Africa.

Kalimba, MbiraThese instruments come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Kalimba is the name of the tool in Kenya, and in Zimbabwe it's called Mbira. In the Congolese dialect it's called Likembe, which even offers labels such as Sanza plus Thumb Piano.

It's generally called a thumb piano because it uses the thumb to play the kalimba (made mainly of wood, bamboo and metal in modern development).

2. Kalimba's origins and changes

Kalimba began in Africa. Over 3,000 years ago, the first Kalimba was made in West Africa, and was even used with notes made from bamboo and sometimes trees. The use of iron bars to make the notes began in the Zambezi Valley over a thousand years ago.

The vibrations of this instrument are said not only to ward off evil spirits from individuals, but also to play a role in prayers for rain and other rituals; it is therefore linked to the oldest cultures in Zimbabwe.

Kalimba structure and elements.

Kalimba is simply made by attaching metal strips of different sizes to wooden boards. Match the sound to the musical instrument by simply adjusting the length of the metal pieces to suit different notes.

Kalimba instrument The metal is generally placed in the center of the instrument, and the faster parts (the higher ones) are placed lengthwise on both sides. The most common palms often lift the guitar from the thumb and use both hands to be able to play or to play later.

The flash physicist's part is certainly the extraction of elastic metal of different lengths and even different origins, and this real or inlaid wood is used as a reverberation field.

In the past, the raw materials for metal strips were only metals dissolved in ore. Today, they are created from high-quality steel. Flash piano comes in many shapes, and the variety of steel pubs will differ.

3. Carinba melody use scene

Playing the kalimba makes the body resonate in a particular category of musical instruments: stringed instruments, instruments that make the wind resonate, devices that make the skin resonate and programs that make the body resonate.

Kalimba's main purpose is to play, and even the grand piano is usually played as part of religious services or social activities.

As soon as you play, hold the human body with your hands and enjoy with a few thumbs. When the thumb is pushed and released, the particular metal sheet vibrates and emits the sound, which is how the kalimba is played.

Most thumb pianos will eventually be fitted with shells or perhaps soda bottle caps. This will enable them to emit beeping sounds at the same time, or shake them halfway through, which will present a similar echo effect, or even the sound of the percussion plate rocking can enrich the sound.

The thumb piano can be small and easy to transport. When the sun goes down, people can turn around and use it to sing or tell stories. Some local people also ask it to devote a period to the whole method when traveling very long distances.

Currently, playing this instrument abroad is certainly not very popular, and Kalimba is an artifact of strength in China and Taiwan.

4. Why play the kalimba?

Playing the kalimba is said to play an important role in certain therapies. The instrument is relaxing, its sound comforting. It's no coincidence that many therapists use it to help patients recover from various ailments! For more details, read our article on playing the kalimba in therapy.